Here are 5 seedlings raised from a flask which I bought two years ago at the Southern Orchid Spectacular Show 2018.
These seeding are now in 50mm tubes growing in excellent health and vigor. This is a good time to obtain these quality native hybrids at the lowest cost.
I was drawn to get this flask because: (1) One of its parents, namely the Victorian Bride ‘Genesis’ was the Champion of the Native Hybrids Class in that show, which captured my attention with its great masse of flowers with striking intense purple colours. (2) The other parent Den. Dunokayla is a speciosum with very big flower with chunky petals and nice shape, a very popular parent in breeding many native crosses. Combining the two characteristics one should expect flowers with excellent shape and size, decorated with pink or purple.
The price is $12 per tube, or $20 for two, and $8 for each additional plant up to 5 plants maximum.
Anyone interested please contact Herbert via email: or 0410641985
These are the 5 plants in this release:

They are the most advanced from

The two parents are:
Parent 1: Den. Victorian Bride ‘Genesis’

Parent 2: Den. Dunokayla ‘Bungowanah’

Original label on the flask:

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