This year the weather has broken the warmest April record.
While the scientists worry about climate change, I am in great relief to see my hard cane dendrobium orchids do not shed their flower buds this year. In the past years my white dendrobium had to struggle to bloom, and most of the time about half the flower buds blasted with cold change. This year these orchids bloom profusely, they are sitting happily on my dining table in their full glory now.
I mail-ordered these orchids in 50mm tube from Cairns. One of these was labelled as Den. White Silk. I was told by Ian this is not an officially registered name, so I am chasing up the nursery to see what it really is. This orchid has large white flower s each measuring 8cm across, which is oversized by the dendrobium standard.

Here is another form of white hard cane dendrobium:
Den New Amar

Hard canes are not difficult to grow (well if we beat the cold). They prefer loose medium of a mixture of medium size bark chips, charcoal, and perlite. They thrive in bright light but require 50-70% shade in summer. They love copious amount of water while growing, so I love to dip the base in a tray of water when they are rapid growing in the warmer months. In winter I removed the water tray and keep the pot well ventilated, sometime I hang them up and reduced watering to per 2 to 3 weeks, so the but root zone is kept moist but not wet. They love growing outdoor but if the temperature is dropping below 12 degrees Celsius, then it will be safer to bring them inside to avoid damage.
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by