From the appearance the leaves look crinkly and dehydrated. This indicates the roots are in poor state. Fertilising the plant when dormant, low temperature, too much moisture could be the causes.
I would suggest: take the plant out from the pot and remove all the bark media, give it a good wash then use a sterilised cutter remove all the rotten roots. Spray the remaining roots throughly with hydrogen peroxide, then let it dry in a cool ventilated place for about half an hour. Then use fresh sphagnum moss or fine grade bark and pot it up, choose a pot just big enough to hold all the roots. Over potting is very bad so choose the pot size carefully.
Keep the plant in a well ventilated place with low to medium light. It will take a few months before a new shoot appears. Do not fertilise until you see new roots are beginning to grow under the new shoot. If you fertilise any earlier, it could really set the plant back again.
I have recovered three plants in this state, hopefully it will also work for you. Good Luck!
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